Justice and Policing
Innu have longstanding concerns about the scope and effectiveness of Justice and Policing services in Natuashish and Sheshatshiu. Improvements in these areas are essential components to healing Innu communities and a requirement for self-government.
In 2008, significant work led creation of the Innu Healing Path Court proposal in Sheshatshiu. This proposal included a draft MOU between the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) and the Innu that addressed: restorative justice, policing, bylaws, capacity, corrections, provincial court, and prevention. Due to changes in senior levels of management the draft MOU did not advance to implementation.
During formation of the Innu Round Table (IRT), Innu leadership insisted that Justice and Policing (J&P) be brought to the table. Both Canada and NL agreed to commit to this objective once a structure was proposed by the Innu. A proposed structure for J&P has been outlined and appointments are now being made to the J&P Committee.
Innu leadership has confirmed that both communities share the same long-term vision for changes to Justice and Policing, but each community has differing priorities that require urgent change. For MIFN, Policing is a higher priority. SIFN has identified Justice as their first order of business.
The long-term goal of the new J&P Committee is to contribute to safer communities, with more effective crime prevention, policing, sentencing, and reintegration of offenders. The J&P Committee has been formed to bring other governments back to the table, build on the work of the Innu Healing Path Court, and set up working groups to pursue specific community priorities.
The IRT Secretariat is providing support to the J&P Committee and will update this website as new developments occur.